Conversation Level English for U. Caldas

jun 4

inglés Description: Do you speak English and would like to practice?  We are ready to open a Conversation Level from Monday to Thursday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Level starts in june 4 and ends in july 11 of 2012.

Sign for this level sending us the following information (A minimum of 15 students is required to open the level) to
– Full name.
– Identification number.
– Connection with the University (student, professor, administrative staff, contractor, alumn).
– Program/Department/Area.
Mid-term exam: junio 21.
Examen oral: julio 10.
Examen final y finalización del nivel: julio 11.
Informes: Oficina de Internacionalización, teléfono 878 15 00, extensión 12 169.

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